Barn to Mosque: Inaugural Iftar Fundraising Dinner

28 June 2017

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!

Alhamdulillah, Allah has bestowed His blessings upon the inaugural ‘Barn to Mosque’ Iftar Fundraising Dinner. With over 130 adults and children in attendance, there was no doubt that moving forward our community support, coupled with corporate sponsorship, will help take the next step towards a Masjid at our College site more achievable, inShaAllah.

Firstly, we would like to acknowledge and thank our major sponsor Mohammed Mohtadi from Specialised Fire Protection. His generosity had inspired us to dig deep into our pockets and take this fantastic opportunity to not only benefit from the eternal reward, yet contribute to a project that will benefit the whole community.

We would also like to thank Nabil Ayoubi (HIYC Super Store), Houssam Afiouni (BalhaÈËÑýÌìÌÃapp Pastry), Juhana Achmad (baked cheese cake) and Sister Khaldiah (Sweet Dates) for their generous contribution of either sweets or auction items. The Soccer jerseys were donated by a brother who would like to remain anonymous, however we cannot ignore the generosity of this either.

  • Thank you, Br. Shukran for the drinks donation and your team of staff who supported movement of equipment and furniture.

  • Thank you, Ms Shahidah and primary staff for your support and patience at such a busy time of the year.

  • Thank you, Mr Houghton, Ms Esra and Mr Vis for allowing us to use our time away from scheduled meetings throughout the week to finalise preparations.

  • Thank you Mr Muhammad Irsyad for taking time away from your busy Ramadan schedule and enlightening the evening with a sweet and beautiful Quran recitation.

  • Thank you to the student helpers, especially Abdullatif Friha and Aisha Arain who did not stop from morning till night, Mashallah!

  • Thank you to the admin staff for cooperating with the organisation and money collection.

  • Finally, a big thank you to Mr Fazeel and Ms Rahat Arain for your support and for allowing us to use the school venue to deliver the event.

May Allah reward everyone who took part in any way, shape or form. May your intentions stay pure and sincere, and may Allah bless us with another fundraiser next year, ameen.

At the conclusion of the night, and including the major sponsor pledge, our raised amount totalled

