Year 12 Phillip Island Trip

30 July 2018

The trip to Philip Island was a welcoming break from our recent SACs and Year 12 VCE cohort.

Bilal Syed Adnan: Our first stop was feeding the animals. Kangaroos, emus and cassowaries were all eager to meet us with absolutely no care for our personal space. We admired, ran and fed our way through the entire area until time was up. Next was finding a place to eat, which was harder than escaping from the emus. We bought a few snacks and some of us relaxed on the beach for a few minutes and then we rushed off to go karting. Go karting was as fun as it was short, the thrill of weaving in between karts and the satisfaction you get from getting a perfect turn felt great. Overall it was a great trip with the 3-hour bus ride being almost as fun as the trip itself and I greatly appreciate all the planning that went into this.

Adam Ayoubi: On the Wednesday, 27 June 2018, Year 12 had gone on a trip to Phillip Island. I can really say that I can never forget this trip and the moments I was able to share with not only my classmates but great friends. From the Wildlife Park to the go kart arena to the lookout, it was just another opportunity to grow closer and closer and build up more memories. I can say without a doubt that this trip and the moments shared will stay with us throughout the years and till we all meet again.

Sofiya Mahad Ali: The trip to Philip Island was a very relaxed, fun and exciting day were students and teachers enjoyed themselves and got to know each other better, we really enjoyed our teachers’ presences and the amazing bus drivers 55 brake pauses that almost killed us, but hey that was cool and calm. I really enjoyed Go Karting and the beautiful beach we went to, hopefully the upcoming Year 12 get to experiences this amazing day. Overall, it was one of the best days I've had this year, Alhumdulilah. Thanks a lot for organising such a fantastic trip for us.

Sussan Mourad and Khulud Khodr: The excursion to Phillip Island was honestly the best trip we've been on so far. The effort Ms Hatice, Ms Aseel, Mr Azim and Ms Memduha put into it is really appreciated and we thank you very much. We loved everything about it and Inshallah we get the chance to go on more trips like this in the future. The trip was extremely refreshing and calming, and we couldn't have asked for a better class and better teachers to go with. Thank you so much!

Radwan Mahmandar: The Phillip Island trip was a very inspiring and thought provoking adventure that took us to many beautiful places that we would never thought of travelling to. Competitive racing, wonderful beach and amazing scenery were the main attractions of the breathtaking trip that provided us with a well-deserved break from the stressful and hectic life of a Year 12. I would like to personally thank the teachers in charge of organising this relaxing trip and hope they had as much fun as we did.