News College
22 July 2016
The annual Junior School Exhibition for 2016 will be held in the last week of Term 3 on Friday, 9 September 2016. To celebrate this, we are running a competition for a design challenge for the exhibition. The chosen design will be used on our posters and promotion prints for the 2016 Exhibition.
Students from Year 4 to Year 12 are encouraged to participate in this competition and submit a design on either A4 or A3 paper for this yearÈËÑýÌìÌÃapp exhibition:
The design should fall within the theme and should represent features of all of the following Inquiry Units:
People Live in Places
Oh! The Places We’ll Go
One World, Many Places
Exploring Australia
Earth Sustains Life
A Changing World
A Diverse and Connected World
Upon completion, please ensure to mark your name and submit the design to your respective Homegroup teachers for Years 4-6 and to Head of Art, Mr Suffian Amin for Years 7-12.
Special prizes will be awarded to 5 best entries and the winner will receive the TOP PRIZE.
So get your creative ideas flowing and design for our Junior School Exhibition 2016 – OUR GLOBAL VILLAGE.
We look forward to seeing some great work!