
Equestrian Program: DO NOT FEED THE HORSES

5 February 2018
Equestrian Program: DO NOT FEED THE HORSES

We have been running a successful Equestrian program for a number of years for students from Year 5 and upwards. Students have been learning to not only ride a horse, but canter, trot and jumping.

The College is pleased to announce that we purchased a new friend for brown pony "Hash": Chocolate brown pony "Dazzle" has joined Hash for our equestrian program. White pony "Max" has retired and is now enjoying his days eating grass on the paddock.

The College ponies are much beloved to the community and were very expensive to purchase. There are considerable costs associated with their upkeep.

Please do not feed the ponies, your kindness may kill!

Please be aware that Hash, Dazzle and Max must NOT be fed vegetable scraps of any kind as it can cause severe illness leading to death. Their stomachs are not capable of digesting vegetables, in particular lettuce and other green leafy vegetables. The horses are on a specific diet to enable them to stay in the best of health.

Please do not feed our ponies at any time and let your children know not to feed them either. Some of our community members, although having good intentions, have been feeding them vegetable scraps which have made them quite ill.