
Hifz Graduation Ceremony 2020

20 November 2020
Hifz Graduation Ceremony 2020

Al Siraat celebrated the completion of memorization of the Noble Qur'an for seven young Hufaadh Qur'an inside our school musalla on this Friday morning, 20 November 2020.

It was a beautiful, inspiring and emotional ceremony. Afterwards, students and staff moved from the musalla to the TEAMS building where they were treated to a special graduation morning tea with plenty of delicious hot and cold food.

Our seven Hufaadh are:

  • Mariam Siddiqui
  • Yahya Ahmed
  • Mohammad Jalil Sarwar
  • Mohammad Abdul Saleem
  • Tariq Makbool
  • Ahmed Zulkifl Qureshi
  • Ameen Sayed

May Allahu Ta'ala accept them, their families, our College and the ummah in large, inShaAllah. Aamin.

Mufti Aasim Rashid has recorded a special message for our new huffadh and their families.

We invite you to view photos of the ceremony by clicking HERE.

Alhamdulillah, the ceremony was live recorded and is now available to be watched at your own time and convenience on our YouTube channel:

Jazakallahu Khairan Fiddarain.