
Ilm and Hifz Students: Visit of Shaykh Shabbir Limbada

21 August 2024
Ilm and Hifz Students: Visit of Shaykh Shabbir Limbada

Our Hifz & ilm students were honoured by the visit of Shaykh Shabbir Limbada from UK who is a senior Tafsir, Hadith & fiqh teacher at Al-Ihsan institute. Shaykh Shabbir is immensely blessed by Almighty Allah`s innumerable bounties and favours, many of which are unique to him, and he feels indebted to Allah for these blessings. One of these blessings is lifelong learning and companionship with prominent Ulama & great luminaries from various parts of the world.

Shaykh Shabbir spoke about one of the most important qualities a human must obtain in his/her life especially students of Quran and knowledge, which is Taqwa to fear Allah at all times & practicing the commands of Allah. Shaykh Shabbir said: 鈥 If a person has Taqwa & knowledge, he/she will brighten the lives of all other people around them.鈥

Additionally, Shaykh Shabbir emphasized on being grateful to those who are supporting us in gaining knowledge, such as parents, teachers & the school as gaining Islamic knowledge in the current era in this country is one of the biggest blessings from Allah and a great opportunity for us. Seeking knowledge should be our aim and goal for life. It is also important for those who are gaining knowledge to respect the Ulama, the scholars of knowledge.

Shaykh Shabbir further stressed the purpose of our creation which is to worship Allah, as this dunya will vanish and we will one day all return back to Allah.

The Hifz & Ilm students are grateful to Shaykh Shabbir for visiting and enlightening us with words of wisdom. InShaAllah, we hope to meet the Shaykh once again in the future. May Allah accept us and grant us Tawfeeq to practice upon what we learn. Aameen.

  • Hafsa Hanif Ilm Religious Teacher Hifz and Ilm Administration Email Hafsa Hafsa Hanif