Ramadan Online Recitation Program

24 April 2020

We are pleased to announce the launch of our Ramadan program for our school community. Our beautiful "Ramadan Qur'an Recitation" will be conducted by our huffaz teachers.

Ramadan Online Recitation Program

The recitation program will be available via the Zoom Webinar link below from 4pm daily, and starting from tomorrow, Saturday, 25 April 2020:

Password: 817770

Alternatively, you could join the webinar via

  • iPhone one-tap: Australia: +61370182005,,95036412527#
  • Telephone dial-in: Australia: +61 3 7018 2005
    Webinar ID: 950 3641 2527 (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location)

  • Sheikh Waseem Khan College ImamYear 7 Hifz Homegroup Teacher Sheikh Waseem Khan

    Sheikh Waseem Khan

    Sheikh Waseem Khan

    College ImamYear 7 Hifz Homegroup Teacher