
Bake Sale Fundraiser for Shade Sails

26 May 2016
Bake Sale Fundraiser for Shade Sails

Today人妖天堂app Bake Sale Fundraiser for shade sails around the playground areas of the College was, once again, overwhelmingly successful. Students, parents and staff brought in a delicious and colourful variety for our Junior and Senior students to chose from.

Photos of the amazing variety of baked goods can be

We would like say a massive THANK YOU to all parents who made time to bake both savoury goods like sausage rolls and puff pastries or sweets in the forms of cookies, muffins, cakes, doughnuts and more. You all contributed wonderfully and wholeheartedly towards much needed funds to purchase shade sails for the College.

Thank you as well for following our request to clearly label all item brought to the school. This helped parent helpers and staff to ensure that no child was put at risk of any allergic reaction due to food allergies. It was also wonderful to see that parents made an extra effort to bring in gluten, nut and egg free products to cater for those students suffering severely from food allergies.

We will update you soon on the total amount of funds raised, once all cash from the bake sale will have been counted.

  • Ridayu Suhaimi Parents & Friends Community (PFC) President Email Ridayu Ridayu Suhaimi