
Ladies Friday Nights: Focus on “RU OK? Day”

13 September 2020
Ladies Friday Nights: Focus on “RU OK? Day”

JazakAllah khairan to all the wonderful mums who joined us last night for our weekly “Ladies Friday Night Catch Up”. Once again, you all made the night a big success, with lots of laughter as well as some tears.

Guest speaker for the evening was our very own behaviour consultant Ms Guls who spoke about RU OK? Day.

After the presentation, we broke out into our different language groups, where we played a fun game and had a good laugh.

Afterwards, we had a chat where we asked “RU OK?” During this time, some mums shared their personal stories and spoke about how they have been feeling, and many mums opened up and shared their experiences with each other. A few tears were shed. It was very sincere, open & heartfelt.

Our Ladies Friday Nights are a safe space to talk and open up, as many of us are going through similar situations, and lots of support is offered in this group, Alhamdulillah.

Thank you to everyone who joined us tonight. We loved seeing everyone, and looking forward to welcoming you all again next week, InShaAllah, for our final session of this term.

  • Ridayu Suhaimi Parents & Friends Community (PFC) President Email Ridayu Ridayu Suhaimi