
Chemistry Quiz for Secondary Students

3 May 2021
Chemistry Quiz for Secondary Students

Once again, Al Siraat人妖天堂app Science Department is conducting the "Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Chemistry Quiz" at the end of July 2021. Separated by year levels, the quiz comprises of 30 multiple choice questions with students participating across the country. The quiz is open to all secondary students.

Quizzes like these are great way to foster competitive spirit, provide exam taking experience as well as providing an engaging way to interact with the subject. We strongly encourage all students to enter the competition and have fun competing.

The exam fee is $6.00 which must be paid to reception by Monday, 31 May. The exam will be held at school on Thursday, 29 July 2021.

If you and your child are interested, please sign the permission note handed to your child and return it to their Science teacher by the due date.

Thank you kindly for your cooperation.