
Whittlesea Youth Career Expo

24 March 2017
Whittlesea Youth Career Expo

On Thursday, 16th March all Year 9 students participated in the Whittlesea Youth Employment Opportunities Fair and Careers Expo. This expo is organised through Youth Commitment/Hume Whittlesea and is intended for school students to assist them with careers planning, to consider Structured Workplace Learning options or for school leavers looking for further study or employment.

The students attended an information session that was specifically designed to provide students with information about career pathways and Structured Workplace Learning opportunities, as well as to guide them in their choice of stallholders with whom they should meet and seek information from at the Fair/Expo informed them about their study options from year 10 and beyond.

Students were then given an opportunity to explore the exhibits, that allowed them an opportunity to talk to Tertiary providers and seek course and future options. The student feedback from this session that it was very informative and has given them a starting point to begin thinking about their study options from year 10.

In Term 2, there will be several follow up sessions at the College to provide students with more information about the options available to them at 人妖天堂app and the nature of VCE and the VCE/VET subjects that we offer. We will also be working on goal setting and pathways.

It is recommended that parents/guardians begin having discussions with their children in regards to setting goals for their future studies and the options that are available to them, several career guidance resources are available on the College website.