
Year 10 Migration Experience: Staff Stories

23 June 2015
Year 10 Migration Experience: Staff Stories

In Year 10 History, this term we have been studying a unit called The Migration Experience. This study has enabled students to investigate the nature of the different waves of migration and the many reasons why different groups of people have moved to live in Australia.

During the course of this unit the students have been able to share their own family人妖天堂app experiences with migration and we have been fortunate to hear some really interesting stories. On Monday, 22nd June, three Al Siraat staff members (Mr. Mohammed Azim, Mr. Vis Naidu and Ms. Tanya Kubitza) were kind enough to share their own migration stories and experience with the Year 10 students.

The students were amazed at the different experiences of these staff members and were able to find out more information about why they chose to make Australia their home.

Ms. Sarah North Head of Humanities