VCE 2017 Graduation Ceremony

29 November 2017

Our 3rd Graduation Ceremony was held at the La Mirage Reception Centre in Somerton on Friday, 24 November. This grand affair saw 15 students graduating from Al Siraat in front of over 200 guests.

VCE 2017 Graduation Ceremony

Our quest speaker for this function was Ms Tasneem Chopra, a curator, author and prominent activist. This glamorous occasion was enjoyed by all, especially the parents, friends and staff of the College.

Our Graduation is truly a highlight for the College and we are proud of our Graduates who, we believe, are equipped to go out into the world as decent, productive citizens.

VCE 2017 Graduation Ceremony

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  • Vis Naidu Head of Secondary Vis Naidu

    Vis Naidu

    Vis Naidu

    Head of Secondary