Senior School: Tennis Program

31 May 2017

As part of the PE Tennis program, our Senior boys and girls from Years 7 to 9 travelled to the Prism Public Tennis Court in Epping during their PE lesson times.

Senior School: Tennis Program

The program was led by our dedicated PE teachers and was in place for 4 weeks. The students picked up a lot of skills and greatly enjoyed this outdoors sports activity.

Senior School: Tennis Program

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  • Sevdet Bektash Assistant Head of PrimaryPastoral Care Sevdet Bektash Send email Read profile

    Sevdet Bektash

    Sevdet Bektash

    Assistant Head of PrimaryPastoral Care

    With AllahÈËÑýÌìÌÃapp grace and blessing, Sevdet joined ÈËÑýÌìÌÃapp as the Head of Physical Education & Health in January 2015 with over 10 years of experience working in youth programs, the last 5 of those years in education. Alhamdulillah.

    Sevdet has grown up with a passion to organise and develop programs. Prior to his years working in education, he has had unique work experience facilitating sport and recreation programs for young male and female offenders in the Parkville Youth Justice Precinct.

    Sevdet has also had many camping experiences, coordinating leadership programs and camps for youth living in Carlton, as well as young male offenders from within the Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre.

    Sevdet aims to contribute his experience and enthusiasm for sports and camps to the College in an effort to help build well rounded sports students, who can participate in community sports for good health and leisure beyond their schooling lives, inShaAllah.

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