Years 3 and 4: SSV Volleyball Gala Day

27 October 2017

Our Year 3 and 4 boys team participated in a Volleyball Gala Day as part of the Schools Sports Victoria (SSV) program on Friday, 27 October.*

Years 3 and 4: SSV Volleyball Gala Day

Fantastic sportsmanship and improvement was displayed by the boys who participated. They won their last game and narrowly lost their other two games in extremely close matches, winning a set in each game. The students took it upon themselves to train during lunch and recess in preparation for the day, mashaAllah. The Year 5 boys welcomed the Year 4ÈËÑýÌìÌÃapp to SSV for the first time, displaying the schoolÈËÑýÌìÌÃapp values admirably.

Well done, boys!