
International Women人妖天堂app Day Celebrations

29 March 2022
International Women人妖天堂app Day Celebrations

Celebrations for International Women人妖天堂app Day were organised by our Secondary SRCs (Student Representative Council members) and Al Siraat staff.

We celebrated the International Women人妖天堂app Day with the theme, 鈥淐hanging Climate: Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow", recognising the contribution of women and girls who are working to change the climate of gender equality and build a sustainable future for the world. It is a day to recognise how far women have come towards gender equality, and also how far they have still left to go.

For the very first time, Student Council invited Al Siraat female staff to feature an exclusive in-depth interview to share their womanhood journey prior to joining as an educator with secondary girls. Their speeches not only motivated the girls but were very inspiring to listen to. Our Girls College Captain Naziihah Hafidi presented special gifts to Ms Sara Mkayali, Ms Saniya Hanif, Ms Mubasshirah Malik, Ms Nikhat Fatema and Ms Rim Abbouchy for sharing their professional journey. Hani Farzan, Year 11 Environmental Captain, opened the ceremony with a beautiful Qur'an recitation and also talked about "Women of Islam".

Purple was the colour theme and both our female students and staff wore purple scarves or dressed up in purple outfits. The colour purple defines justice, dignity, self-reverence and self-respect. Student Council leaders made over 250 purple ribbons and distributed them among staff and students as a symbol of appreciation.

Donations were also collected on this day to provide support of education to under privileged girls living in Australia and abroad.

View more photos here.

鈥淲hen women participate in the economy everyone benefits鈥 鈥 Hillary Clinton

  • Noori Ahmad SRC Officer / Values in Action (VIA) Secondary Maths Teacher Email Noori Noori Ahmad